Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1

3 gifts at 3 p.m.

1.  How interesting that I logged in to do this right at 3:00.  Someone told me recently that she doesn't believe in "coincidences" but "God Incidents."  I love that idea.  Doing the 1000 Gifts has been a gift to me.

2.  Inventorying our cookies for booth sales today and tomorrow, and realizing that I do not, in fact, need to drive to the warehouse to pick up more cookies.  Today, at least.

3.  Engaging in a discussion with a professed atheist (or at the very least, agnostic) about heaven and near-death experiences.  I am grateful that I know people who don't believe the same way I do because it affords me the opportunity to explore my own beliefs and faith on a regular basis. 

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