Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17

A gift turned, folded, hung

1.  My heart.  I decided to "be Abraham" and forgive someone without reservation.  Knowing that I will never receive an apology or admission or guilt made it difficult for me to fully let go of my hurt, but I decided that I just needed to do it and move on.  Life has been so much easier since I made that decision.

2.  I am still purging out of our closets for charity.  I gave a lot of Jacob's old clothes to one of my friends who has 3 boys, the oldest being just one size behind Jacob.  After I folded them all up, they filled a large laundry basket.  She was quite excited to receive them.  It wasn't too many years ago that I received hand-me-downs. 

3.  Back in January, one of my friends lent Jessie her poodle skirt to wear to the Father-Daughter sock hop for Girl Scouts.  It has been hanging on the banister in our foyer for two months now.  I REALLY need to just put it in my car and return it to my friend.  But I keep forgetting, and now it's become part of the landscape.  Every time I notice it, I smile, recalling how excited Jessie was that evening and how much fun Bret said they had.

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