Friday, February 22, 2013

February 22

3 gifts that changed today

1.  My cookie chair for Scouts.  She spent time today and yesterday collecting money from families for the cookie deposit.  I really hate doing that, and she saved me a great deal of aggravation.

2.  When the schedule for Media Center volunteers came out last month, I told the coordinator that I couldn't work today due to an anticipated hectic evening.  But then I forgot and put it on my schedule.  So when I went in today, they weren't expecting me.  I needed to be able to leave early to meet the termite guy, so it made it easier for me.  And after an hour, a friend of mine came in to sub for me.  I don't have many opportunities to see her, and she's about to go back to work, so it was a nice treat to have an hour with her.  Also, she volunteered to coordinate her class's Bingo basket collection, so it was quite productive to have that hour together. 

3.  Bret took the afternoon off today to meet with the plumber about the work he's doing at the other house.  I was so happy that he was able to take care of that instead of my having to do it.  And his being here made my afternoon much easier.  He did a load or two of laundry, dealt with the termite guy (when he showed up 3 hours later than expected) and we even watched a show.

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