Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 21

A gift in sky, water, memory

1.  After a week of overcast skies and rain, we've had 2 days of cloudless, bright blue skies.  The trees may be naked but the blue makes me happy.  And if it were spring or summer and the trees were filled with leaves, I would see much less of the brilliant blue.

2.  My crock pot crock has been soaking for 2 days and I finally washed it out and put it away, ready for the next slow-cooked meal.  I rarely use it, but last week I used it three days in a row, for hearty and healthy meals that made my house smell wonderful and were actually enjoyed by everyone in the family.  I really need to use it more often.

3.  My grandfather's birthday was yesterday.  He would have been 95.  I have so many wonderful memories of Granddaddy -- and so much of my life was shaped by who he was and how he lived. 

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