Monday, January 7, 2013

January 5

Something You're Reading, Making, Seeing

1.  My list of To-Read books is getting longer by the day and I haven't taken much time to read for myself lately.  Well, actually, for the past few months, when I think about it.  I love books, love to read and am terrible about neglecting everything when I'm immersed in a good book.  Right now most of the books I'm reading have to do with dyslexia, and I still can't seem to wrap my brain around what it's like for Jacob.  I just started The Dyslexia Advantage by Fernette and Brock Eide.  And I ran across The Inheritance by L. M. Alcott the other day.  I can't remember much about it, so I'm re-reading it.  As well as Uh-Oh by Robert Fulghum.  But the main thing that I'm reading is Bret's first draft of his new kid-lit novel.  Josh really likes it, so you never know -- maybe this will be the one that launches his career as a novelist. 

2.  I have a list of things I need to make today.  Most of them involve Meyer lemons, since Leigh gave me a bag from her mother's tree and they only have a few day left in them.  Lemon poppyseed muffins for Josh, lemon pound cake and perhaps some lemon curd?  I'm a bit intimidated by the curd, but I want to try it.  Oh, and I'd really like to try my hand at some home-made limoncello.  Lemons make me happy.  Just the scent of them restores my spirit and my mood.

3.  Sitting at my desk, I look outside to the front yard.  In August we had sod put down, and it made us so happy to have pretty, green Bermuda grass growing, rather than sparse Fescue and weeds.  Now it's all dormant and brown, and you can still see some of the lines where it still needs to grow together.  But by summer it should be gorgeous.  Who knew something so simple as grass would make me happy?

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